Barefoot Citizens


Redefining Business for a Sustainable Future

Barefoot Citizens pioneers impactful collaborations that redefine business models, proving that profitability, social good, and environmental responsibility can coexist and thrive worldwide.

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Who are barefoot citizens

The climate crisis is real. The impact of climate change is being felt in different ways around the world. Communities and people across our precious planet know this and while many are taking positive action, many more want to. The desire to effect change exists, yet a lack of awareness, understanding and wider political, corporate and commercial systems are creating barriers. People want to make a positive impact but don’t know how or where to start.

This is where Barefoot Citizens comes in.

Reflecting the vital yet threatened ecosystems that sustain our planet, Barefoot Citizens adopts an ecosystem philosophy to create an interconnected web of positive impact.

Our approach is new: we work collaboratively with governments, the private sector and Not-for-Profits to generate opportunities which deliver lasting impact.

We create, build and invest in socially responsible businesses, while delivering bottom line results to our investors and shareholders. We are deeply focused on social change, partnerships and sharing our successes with local and global communities.

Barefoot Citizens is a community who cares. We are hopeful: together we can effect positive change for our people and our planet.

Proudly supporting the work of our sister charity

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"Life's most persistent & urgent question is, what are you doing for others?"

Martin Luther King